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Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. 8, 323 - 328 (2002)
DOI: 10.1255/ejms.506

Isotope dilution mass spectral studies on capsaicin analogues

Meehir Palit, Ritesh Mathur and Syed K. Raza*
Defence Research & Development Establishment, Gwalior-474002 India

A series of capsaicin analogues have been synthesised as probable tear gas compounds. These compounds were subjected to mass spectral studies under electron ionization (EI) for their total identification. The fragmentation patterns observed in ortho- and para-substituted compounds have been substantiated by performing isotope dilution experiments and daughter-ion scans using tandem mass spectrometry.

Keywords: isotope dilution, GC/MS, electron ionization, mass spectral studies, ortho-effect, tear gas, capsaicin, deuterium labelling, tandem mass spectrometry

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