Authors' Page |
Authors interested in submitting a paper to European Journal of Mass Spectrometry should consult the Instructions for Authors, available here or in the first issue of each volume of the journal. It is also helpful to look at the journal to see the layout and how your illustrations and tables might fit on to the page.
If you wish to submit your paper electronically, you might like to do so throught the facilities arranged by Jürgen Grotemeyer. Details can be found here.
Just Published Papers (JPPs) offer an opportunity for you to have your paper published as quickly as possible. Unless you withhold your agreement (see Publishing Agreement form), we will publish your paper on the EJMS web site before it is copy edited and typeset. This version will be replaced with the final version once we receive your corrected proofs. The date the JPP appears will be the web publication date for that paper. If you would prefer not to have your paper treated as a JPP, just indicate this on the Publishing Agreement.
Instructions for Authors |
Copies of the Instructions for Authors are available in the following formats:
Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)
Permission Form (for reproduction of figures from other journals)
RTF format (for most word processors)
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EJMS Accounts |
Brief guidelines for potential authors of EJMS Accounts can be found here. Please discuss any potential paper with the Accounts Editor, Professor Jean-Claude Promé, before starting work.
Editors |
The Editors are supported by an Advisory Board of specialists from around the world.
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