Volume 6 Issue 5 2000 Table of Contents

*Indicates author to whom correspondence should be addressed

Pages 389 - 396

Location of the negative charge(s) on the backbone of single-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid in the gas phase

Amélie Favre, Florence Gonnet and Jean-Claude Tabet*
Laboratoire de Chimie Structurale Organique et Biologique, CNRS UMR 7613, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris cedex 05, France

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Pages 397 - 404

Ascorbic acid assessment in human dermis by a microdialysis technique associated with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

Nathalie Leveque, Sophie Mary and Philippe Humbert*
Laboratoire dIngénierie et de Biologie Cutanées, Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie, Place Saint Jacques, F-25030 Besançon, France
Safwat Makki
Laboratoire dIngénierie et de Biologie Cutanées, Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie, Place Saint Jacques, F-25030 Besançon, France and Laboratoire de Pharmacie Galénique, Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie, Place Saint Jacques, F-25030 Besançon, France
Patrice Muret
Laboratoire dIngénierie et de Biologie Cutanées, Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie, Place Saint Jacques, F-25030 Besançon, France and Laboratoire de Pharmacologie Clinique, Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie, Place Saint Jacques, F-25030 Besançon, France
Jean-Pierre Kantelip
Laboratoire de Pharmacologie Clinique, Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie, Place Saint Jacques, F-25030 Besançon, France

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Pages 405 - 408

Rydberg electron-capture mass spectrometry of 1,2,3,4 tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin

M. Carette, Y. Zerega,* P. Perrier and J. Andre
Institut Universitaire des Systèmes Thermiques Industriels, Université de Provence, CNRS (UMR 6595), Technopôle de Château-Gombert, 5 rue E. Fermi, F-13453 Marseille Cedex 20, France. E-mail:
R.E. March
Department of Chemistry, Trent University, Peterborough, ON, Canada K9J 7B8

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Pages 409 - 413

Formation of non-specific protein cluster ions in matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization: abundances and dynamical aspects

Vincent Livadaris, Jean-Claude Blais* and Jean-Claude Tabet
Laboratoire de Chimie Stucturale Organique et Biologique, CNRS (UMR 7613) et Université Pierre et Marie Curie, 4 Place Jussieu, F-75252 Paris cedex 05, France

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Pages 415 - 419

Biological detection using self-ionization optimization in an ion trap mass spectrometer

F.L. Wind* and P. Stephan
Centre détudes du Bouchet, BP No. 3, F-91710 Vert Le Petit, France. E-mail:
J.C. Tabet
Laboratoire de Chimie Structurale Organique et Biologique, UMR 7613, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris Cedex 05, France

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Pages 421 - 428

Stereochemical differentiation of four mono-saccharides using transition metal complexes by electrospray ionization/ion-trap mass spectrometry

V. Carlesso, F. Fournier and J.C. Tabet*
Laboratoire de Chimie Structurale Organique et Biologique, CNRS UMR 7613, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, 4 Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France. E-mail:

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Pages 429 - 434

Peptide toxin identification by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry using an external electrospray ionization source combined with ion trap mass spectrometry

C. Afonso
Centre dÉtudes du Bouchet, BP 3, 91710 Vert-le-Petit and LCSOB, UMR 7613, Université Pierre & Marie Curie, Bat. F, boite 45, 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris, France
F. Modeste and P. Breton
Centre dÉtudes du Bouchet, BP 3, 91710 Vert-le-Petit, France
F. Fournier and J.C. Tabet
LCSOB, UMR 7613, Université Pierre & Marie Curie, Bat. F, boite 45, 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris, France E-mail:

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Pages 435 - 437

Accounting for multiply-charged ions in quantitative analyses of solid materials using a laser-plasma source

Grigori B. Kouznetsov, Yurii A. Bikovskii and Vladimir P. Gladkov
Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute, Department of Solid State Physics, Kashirskoe 31, 115409 Moscow, Russia

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Pages 439 - 441

Identification of bound alcohols in soil humic acids by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

Gersende Berthier
Collège Louisa Paulin, F-81120 Realmont, France
Sen Dou
Department of Soil Science, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun, Peoples Republic of China
Torren Peakman
School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, Cantocks Close, Bristol BS8 lTS, UK
Eric Lichtfouse*
Soil-Water Geochemistry and Microbiology Laboratories, Earth Sciences - CST, University of Burgundy - INRA, 6, Boulevard Gabriel, F-21000 Dijon, France. E-mail:

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Pages 443 - 449

Proton affinity of the commonly occuring L-amino acids by using electrospray ionization-ion trap mass spectrometry

C. Afonso
Centre dEtudes du Bouchet, BP 3, 91710 Vert-le-Petit, France, and 2-LCSOB, UMR 7613 Université Pierre & Marie Curie, Bat. F, boite 45, 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France
F. Modeste and P. Breton
Centre dEtudes du Bouchet, BP 3, 91710 Vert-le-Petit, France
F. Fournier and J.-C. Tabet*
2-LCSOB, UMR 7613 Université Pierre & Marie Curie, Bat. F, boite 45, 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France

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Pages 451 - 455

Estimation of nucleoside proton affinity scale from dissociations of hydrogen-bound heterodimer constituted with amino acid partners

S. Alves, F. Fournier and J.-C. Tabet*
Laboratoire de Chimle Structurale Organique et Biologique, UMR 7613, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris Cedex 05, France
M. Quelquejeu and J.M. Valery
Laboratoire des Glucides, UMR 7613, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris Cedex 05, France

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Pages 457 - 460

Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry study of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in grass and milk from urban and rural farms

Nathalie Grova, Claire Laurent, Cyril Feidt,* Guido Rychen and François Laurent
Laboratoire de Sciences Animales, ENSAIA-INPL-INRA, BP 172, 54505 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France. E-mail:
Eric Lichtfouse*
Soil-Water Geochemistry and Microbiology Laboratories, Earth Sciences - CST, University of Burgundy - INRA, 6, Boulevard Gabriel, F-21000 Dijon, France. E-mail:

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