Volume 9 Issue 5 2003 Table of Contents

*Indicates author to whom correspondence should be addressed

Pages 421 - 434

Review: Derivatization in mass spectrometry 2. Acylation

Vladimir G. Zaikin
Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:
John M. Halket
Drug Control Centre, King's College London, Franklin-Wilkins Building, Stamford Street, London SE1 9NN, UK. E-mail:

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DOI: 10.1255/ejms.576

Pages 435 - 444

A quadrupole ion trap and Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance concerted study of the kinetics of an ion/molecule association reaction: a chemometric approach

Jean-François Gal and Pierre-Charles Maria
Chimie des Matériaux Organiques et Métalliques, Faculté des Sciences, Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, 06108 Nice Cedex 2, France
Lorenza Operti, Roberto Rabezzana* and Gian Angelo Vaglio
Dipartimento di Chimica Generale e Organica Applicata, Università di Torino, Corso Massimo d'Azeglio 48, 10125 Torino, Italy. Email:

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DOI: 10.1255/ejms.561

Pages 445 - 457

MASSIS: a mass spectrum simulation system. 2: Procedures and performance

HaiFeng Chen
ITODYS, CNRS UMR 7086, Université Paris 7, 1, rue Guy de la Brosse, 75005 Paris, France and Key Laboratory of Computer Chemistry, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200032, PR China
BoTao Fan,* Michel Petitjean, Annick Panaye and Jean-Pierre Doucet
ITODYS, CNRS UMR 7086, Université Paris 7, 1, rue Guy de la Brosse, 75005 Paris, France. E-mail:
Feng Li, HaiRong Xia and ShenGang Yuan
Key Laboratory of Computer Chemistry, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, 200032, PR China

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DOI: 10.1255/ejms.577

Pages 459 - 464

Stereospecific ionmolecule reactions of anabolic-type steroid tertiary alcohols with proton-donating cations

Vladimir G. Zaikin and Roman S. Borisov
Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskii pr. 29, 119991 Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

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DOI: 10.1255/ejms.578

Pages 465 - 471

Investigation of 4-(nitrophenylamino)pent-3-en-2-ones and 4-(nitrobenzylamino)pent-3-en-2-ones by electron ionization mass spectrometry. Observation of characteristic ortho effects

Rafa? Fra?ski,* B?a?ej Gierczyk, Piotr Fiedorow, Dariusz Chadyniak and W?odzimierz Urbaniak
Faculty of Chemistry, Adam Mickiewicz University, Grunwaldzka 6, 60-780 Pozna?, Poland. E-mail:

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DOI: 10.1255/ejms.579

Pages 473 - 486

Characterization of polyesters by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization and Fourier transform mass spectrometry

Todd H. Mize
FOM Institute of Atomic & Molecular Physics, Kruislaan 407, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
William J. Simonsick, Jr
E.I. DuPont De Nemours & Company, Marshall Laboratory, 3401 Grays Ferry Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19146, USA
I. Jonathan Amster
Department of Chemistry, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30, USA*E-mail:

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DOI: 10.1255/ejms.571

Pages 487 - 495

Electron ionization mass spectra and their reproducibility for trialkylsilylated derivatives of organic acids, sugars and alcohols

Tim G. Sobolevsky, Elena S. Chernetsova,* Alexander I. Revelsky and Igor A. Revelsky
Moscow State University, Chemistry Department, Chair of Analytical Chemistry, Leninskie Gory 1, bld. 2, 119992 GSP-2 Moscow, Russian Federation. E-mail: revelsky @environment.chem.msu.ru
Alexander B. Starostin
Institute of Mechanics, Moscow State University, 1-112B Michurinskiy prosp., Moscow 117192, Russian Federation
Barbara Miller and Vincent Oriedo
The Dow Chemical Corporation, Dow Building 1707, Industrial BioMaterials Platform, Midland, MI 48674, USA

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DOI: 10.1255/ejms.580

Pages 497 - 507

Electron ionization and atmospheric pressure photochemical ionization in gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of amino acids

Igor A. Revelsky, Yuri S. Yashin, Tim G. Sobolevsky and Alexander I. Revelsky
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Chemistry Department, Leninskie Gory 1, bldg 3, 119992 GSP-2 Moscow, Russia. E-mail:
Barbara Miller and Vincent Oriedo
The Dow Chemical Corp., Dow Bldg. 1707, Industrial BioMaterials Platform, Midland, MI 48674, USA. E-mail:

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DOI: 10.1255/ejms.581

Pages 509 - 524

Characterisation of the intact rainbow trout vitellogenin protein and analysis of its derived tryptic and cyanogen bromide peptides by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight-mass spectrometry and electrospray ionisation quadrupole/time-of-flight mass spectrometry

Joseph Banoub*
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Science, Oceans and Environment Branch, St John's, PO Box 5667, Newfoundland A1C 5X1, Canada and Department of Biochemistry, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St John's, Newfoundland A1C 5S7, Canada. E-mail:
Pierre Thibault
Protein Analysis, Caprion Pharmaceuticals, 7150 Alexander Fleming, Montreal, Quebec H4S 2C8 , Canada
Atef Mansour
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Science, Oceans and Environment Branch, St John's, PO Box 5667, Newfoundland A1C 5X1, Canada
Alejandro Cohen, David H. Heeley and Donna Jackman
Department of Biochemistry, Memorial University of Newfoundland. St John's, Newfoundland A1C 5S7, Canada

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DOI: 10.1255/ejms.572

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