Electronic Submission

You can e-mail your manuscript as an attachment to ; please use the file types detailed below. Alternatively, specific instructions for submitting a manuscript via FTP are as follows. To submit a paper, carry out the following steps.

Submission via FTP
  1. Prepare the paper (either in a MS DOS or Windows word processor such as Word or WordPerfect).
  2. Prepare the drawings, which can be incorporated in the text, or sent seperately. (Formats may be GIF, BMP, PCX, Windows Metafile, EPS (postscript) or files from the drawing programs CorelDraw, Designer)Other formats only after contacting Professor Grotemeyers office.
  3. Open a FTP connection. This can be done either by a text-based console or a transfer program such as WS_FTP, CuteFTP or similar.
    FTPHOST: grpc16.phc.uni-kiel.de
    USERNAME: ems
    PASSWORD: ems
  4. Change to the EJMS Directory by typing :
    cd /ems/incomming
  5. Switch transfer protocol to binary by typing
  6. Transfer all the files necessary for publication by

    N.B. The files you transfer are hidden and not shown by listing directory contents. Please choose a unique name for your files and use an extension such as "FILENAME".wp for WordPerfect Files "".WWO for Word for Windows etc. Use the same system for the drawings.
  7. Please send an e-mail to with a short description of your transferred data.
  8. You will get within a day a notice that the paper has been received and a statement whether the transfer was successful.

If you have any problems or questions, please contact or ; we will be pleased to help.

© IM Publications
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