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Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. DOI: 10.1255/ejms.598

Contact regions in the dimer of Alzheimer β-amyloid domain [1-28] studied by mass spectrometry

Aiqun Li and Catherine Fenselau
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Catonsville, MD 21250, USA

Information is provided about the amino acid residues in the [1-28] domain of the Alzheimer β-amyloid protein, which participate in interstrand pairing and initiate fibillogenesis. The study was carried out using electrospray ionization on a four sector mass spectrometer, measuring kinetic energy release for a fragmentation process, and modeling the transition state with molecular dynamics calculations. . The results eliminate the sequence [11-24] proposed earlier as the central core, and are consistent with, but do not distinguish between, residues [17-28] and [17-23] proposed by others based on biochemical studies.

Keywords: amyloid dimerization, Interstrand, pairing, four sector mass spectrometry

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