t-butylcyclopentylcarboxylic acids

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Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. 1, 269 - 274 (1995)

Mass spectrometry in stereochemical problems: the case of 2-hydroxy-4t-butylcyclopentylcarboxylic acids

Donata Favretto and Pietro Traldi*
CNR, Area della Ricerca, Corso Stati Uniti 4, I-35020 Padova, Italy
Gabor Czira and Jozsef Tamas
Central Research Institute for Chemistry, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Puzstazseri út 59-67, H-1525 Budapest, Hungary

The mass spectrometric behaviour of four diastereoisomeric 2-hydroxy-4-tbutylcyclopentyl carboxylic acids has been investigated by means of electron impact ionisation experiments, mass analysed ion kinetic energy spectroscopy and ion trap mass spectrometry. The comparison of the data obtained by these different techniques allowed the unambiguous differentiation of the four compounds.


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