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Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. 1, 353 - 361 (1995)

Thermochemistry and mass spectrometry of aromatic compounds with tertiary alkyl groups

V.V. Takhistov* and A.D. Misharev
Department of Chemistry, St Petersburg State University, Stary Petershof, 198904 St Petersburg, Russia.
V.M. Orlov
Moscow Institute of Molecular Biology, Moscow, Russia.
D.A. Ponomarev
Faculty of Chemical Engineering, St Petersburg Forest Technical Academy, Institutski 5, 194018 St Petersburg, Russia.
Jürgen Voss*
Institute of Organic Chemistry, University of Hamburg, MartinLutherKingPlatz 6, D-20146 Hamburg, .

The mass spectra of two series of functional benzene derivatives with tert-butyl substituents in the 4 position (p Me3CC6H4X, X = COCl, COOH, COSH, COSCD3, CSSMe, CSCMe3) or in the 3,5 positions 3,5 (Me3C)2C6H3 X (X = CMe3, Br, CN, CH2Cl, CH2Br, CHO, COCH3, CONMe2, CSNMe2) have been studied. Ionization energies and appearance energies of some fragment ions were measured by photoionization mass spectrometry. The heats of formation of [p Me3 CC6H4C.triplebond.O]+ (579 kJ mol 1) and [p Me3CC6H4C.triplebond.S]+ (840 kJ mol-1) ions have been derived. It was demonstrated that the former ion is 30 kJ mol1 more stable than the latter one in the framework of isodesmic reactions. Isodesmic reactions were used to prove that the [M - Me]+ ions from p Me3CC6H4CSCMe3 possess the structure [Me3CC6H4C(SH)CH=CH2]+ at the threshold of their formation. The appearance of abundant Me3C+and X+ ions from 3,5(Me3C)2C6H3X is explained by involvement of rearrangement rather than simple bond cleavage processes.


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