invivo biomolecule reactions

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Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. 1, 519 - 524 (1995)

Ionmolecule reactions of charged thiols with neutral epoxides in the collision cell of a tandem quadrupole mass spectrometer. A model for invivo biomolecule reactions

Boris V. Rozynov
Shemyakin and Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Science, 117871 Moscow V-437, Russia.
Douglas W. Kuehl
US Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Research LaboratoryDuluth, Duluth, MN 55804, USA.
Robert M. Carlson*
Department of Chemistry, University of MinnesotaDuluth, Duluth, MN 55812, USA.

Gas-phase ionmolecule chemistry has been used to study the reactions of mutagenic epoxides toward sulfur-containing (SH) organic chemicals. Reactions are selectively observed between mass-selected radical ions of thiols and neutral epoxides in the collision cell (Q2) of a tandem quadrupole mass spectrometer. A daughter-ion scan function is used to produce associative reaction product spectra by scanning the third quadrupole upward from the m/zvalue of the molecular ion of the sulfur-containing reagent ion. Optimal product yields are obtained by varying the collision cell energy from +1 to 5 V.It was observed that gas-phase product formation proceeded in a manner analogous to acidic solution chemistry (e.g. via the protonated epoxide) and that the product spectrum was sensitive to the structure of both the thiol radical-ion and the neutral epoxide. Q2 gas-phase reactions represent, therefore, a potentially new analytical technique to identify selectively chemicals in a gas stream (e.g. gas chromatography effluent) the toxicity of which are defined by their reactivity as electrophiles with nucleophilic sites in biomolecules.


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