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Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. 2, 329 - 339 (1996)

Origin of clusters. I. Correlation of low temperature fast atom bombardment mass spectra with phase diagram of NaCl-water solutions

O.A. Boryak, I.O. Stepanov, M.V. Kosevich,* V.S. Shelkovsky,V.V. Orlov and Yu.P. Blagoy
B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of theNational Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 47, Lenin Avenue, 310164, Kharkov, Ukraine.

Correlations between the structure of the samples of the frozen solutions of sodium chloride in water, produced at different parameters of the phase diagram of this system, and the clusters pattern of the corresponding low temperature fast atom bombardment mass spectra are established. Using a model of the independent sputtering of ions from chemically different surface domains, the conclusion concerning the origin of different types of clusters from different phases of the heterogeneous samples was made: (H2O)nH+fromice; (NaCl)m·Na+from anhydrous NaCl;(H2O)n·Na+, (H2O)n·(NaCl)m·Na+,(NaCl)m·Na+ from the crystalline hydrate NaCl·2H2O. During the thawing of the samples two subsequent phase transitions with temperature rise were observed, which are sublimation of ice and dehydration of the crystalline hydrate. The differences in the sputtering of (H2O)n·Na+ clusters from the crystalline hydrate and ice crystals with Na+ ion adsorbed on their surfaces are discussed.


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