a,b-diether radical cations. Part II: Two populations with different energy content are evidenced in the case of 1,2-diethoxycyclohexane+"

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Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. 2, 347 - 354 (1996)

Formation of stable "proton-bridged dimers" by decomposition of a,b-diether radical cations. Part II: Two populations with different energy content are evidenced in the case of 1,2-diethoxycyclohexane+"

Muriel Rempp and Arielle Milliet*
DCMR Ecole Polytechnique, URA CNRS 1307, F-91128 Palaiseau, France.

The mass analyzed ion kinetic energy (MIKE) spectrum of the 1,2-diethoxycyclohexane radical cation 1 exhibits fragment ions generated from two molecular ion populations with different energy contents. An ethanol ··H+·· acetaldehyde proton-bridged dimer originates from molecular ions of low internal energy, whereas cyclohexene radical cation formation results from more energetic ions. This statement is based on the comparison of the kinetic energy released for each fragmentation and on the extent of H/D exchange preceding the formation of fragment ions from (C2D5O)2cycloC6H10 (1a).

Keywords: Electron-ionization, mass analyzed ion kinetic energy(MIKE), proton-bridged dimers, 1,2-diethoxycyclohexane,energy distribution.

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