n <= 8 using multiphoton ionization mass spectrometry

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Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. 3, 185 - 196 (1997)

Characterization of thiophene and of its alpha-coupled oligomers with 2 <=n <= 8 using multiphoton ionization mass spectrometry

Volker Sauerland and Ralph N. Schindler
Institut für Physikalische Chemie, Universität Kiel, Ludewig Meyn-Str. 8, 24098 Kiel, .

Thiophene (T1) and the all alpha-coupled unsubstituted oligomers T2 T8 were analyzed in a time-of-flight mass spectrometer using multiphoton ionization (MPI) in the wavelength range lambda = 230270 nm.The MPI spectra obtained showed no resonance enhancement in the investigated wavelength range. The molecular ion was detected as the base peak in all cases. A general fragmentation pathway is described to interpret the dominant features of the MPI-mass spectra for all oligomers. 2,5-d2-thiophene (d2-T1) was investigated in order to characterize the degree of hydrogen scrambling under MPI conditions.

Keywords: Multiphoton ionization spectra, thiophene-oligomers, fragmentation pathways, hydrogen scambling.

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