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Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. 3, 225 - 228 (1997)

Mass spectral fragmentation pattern of oxygen heterocyclic guanidines

K. Shanmugasundaram and K.J. Rajendra Prasad*
Department of Chemistry, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, 641 046, India.

Fragmentation patterns resulting from electron impact ionisation of hitherto unknown eight tri-substituted (N-alkyl, N-aryl, N'-heteroaryl) and two di-substituted (N-adamantyl, N'-heteroaryl) guanidines were studied. Some major fragment ions observed in the spectra were interpreted and fragmentation patterns involving expulsion of neutral N-alkyl carbodiimide from the molecular ion (in the case of tri-substituted guanidines) were proposed. No such expulsion (carbodiimide elimination) took place in the di-substituted guanidines.

Keywords: Oxygen heterocyclic guanidines, tri-substituted guanidines, di-substituted guanidines, N-alkyl carbodiimide, carbodiimide,cyclic imidazolium cation, nitrene intermediate.

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