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Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. 3, 259 - 270 (1997)

Account: Impulsive excitation in collision-induced dissociation reactions of polyatomic cations

Anil K. Shukla and Jean H. Futrell
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716, USA.

Our understanding of the mechanisms of energy transfer and subsequent dissociations in the collision of ions with a neutral [collision-induced dissociation, (CID)] has been significantly advanced by recent dynamics studies using the crossed-beam tandem mass spectrometry technique. In this account two classifications of impulsive excitation, both involving significant angular deflection of product ions from the direction of travel of the parent ion, are described in microscopic detail. Recent experimental examples of these classes of impulsive mechanisms are described, along with their dynamics signatures. Connections are drawn between these models, beam experiments and conventional studies of CID reactions by means of mass-analyzed ion kinetic energy spectroscopy (MIKES).

Keywords: collision-induced dissociation, energy transfer, impulsive excitation, scattering, spectator stripping, knockout model, benzene ion, carbon disulfide ion.

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