s-triazine as a matrix in negative-ion liquid secondary ion mass spectrometry of fluorofullerenes

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Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. 3, 461 - 463 (1997)

Letter: Application of tris(perfluoroheptyl)-s-triazine as a matrix in negative-ion liquid secondary ion mass spectrometry of fluorofullerenes

Ala'a K. Abdul-Sada, Olga V. Boltalina and Roger Taylor*
School of CPES, University of Sussex, Brighton, BN1 9QJ, Sussex, U.K.

Tris(perfluoroheptyl)-s-triazine is found to be a useful matrix in liquid secondary ion mass spectrometry analysis of highly fluorinated fullerenes.

Keywords: Fluorofullerenes, FAB mass spectrometry, nucleophilic substitution, oxofullerene anions.

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