ortho effects

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Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. 4, 113 - 119 (1998)

Unusual collision-induced fragmentations of deprotonated methoxybenzyl formates in the gas phase. 1,2-Wittig rearrangements, cross-ring nucleophilic substitution and ortho effects

Mark S. Taylor, Suresh Dua and John H. Bowie
Department of Chemistry, The University of Adelaide, South Australia, 5005, Australia.

Deprotonated benzyl formate undergoes loss of carbon monoxide via the rearrangement sequence Ph-CHOCHO ® PhCH(O)CHO ® [(PhCHO) HCO] ® PhCH2O + CO. The last step involves a 1,2-Wittig anionic rearrangement involving hydride transfer from a formyl anion. When a methoxyl group is placed on the benzene ring, the Wittig rearrangement competes with a cross-ring SN2 process, i.e. [(o-, m- or p-MeOC6H4CHO) HCO] ® o-, m- or p-OHCC6H4O + MeCHO and/or (CH4 + CO). The ortho-isomer also undergoes several ortho-effects including loss of MeOH to produce [PhCOCHO H].

Keywords: Negative ions, deprotonated methoxybenzyl formates, 1,2-Wittig rearrangement, nucleophilic substitution, ortho-effects.

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