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Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. 4, 365 - 370 (1998)

Electrospray and atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation of aromatic compounds in dichloromethane solvent

Zoltán Takáts and Károly Vékey
Institute of Chemistry, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, H-1025 Budapest, Pusztaszeri út 5967, Hungary.

Atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation (APCI) of chlorinated benzene derivatives was studied to develop a mass spectrometry technique for qualitative and quantitative determination of their aerobic and anaerobic microbial degradation products. Using conventional reversed phase-high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) eluents, such as methanol, water or acetonitrile, non-polar aromatic compounds showed very low response factors both in electrospray (ES) and in APCI either in positive or negative ion mode. Use of dichloromethane solvent in positive ion APCI showed high sensitivity both for polar and for apolar aromatics. Oxygen containing compounds gave [M + H]+ ions while ionisation of aromatic hydrocarbons and their chlorinated derivatives was found to be a complex process, generating mainly [M + 13]+ ions. Detailed investigations showed that ionisation proceeds by the addition of CH2Cl+ followed by HCl elimination.

Keywords: APCI, chemical ioniastion, electrospray, normal phase, HPLC, chlorobenzene, microbial degradation.

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