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Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. 5, 71 - 76 (1999)

Laser desorption mass spectrometry on liquid beams

Andreas Wattenberg, Frank Sobott, Hans-Dieter Barth and Bernhard Brutschy*
Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Marie-Curie-Straße 11, Frankfurt am Main, .

Laser-induced liquid beam ionization/desorption mass spectrometry (LILBID-MS) is a new and versatile laser desorption method that has recently been developed in our group. With this technique it is possible to desorb pre-formed ions directly from the liquid phase and to analyze them in a time-of-flight mass spectrometer. To achieve this, a microscopic liquid beam is injected into a high vacuum chamber and irradiated with pulses of an infrared laser beam. The ions set free are then orthogonally accelerated into the mass analyzer. Up to now, this method has only been able to analyze alcoholic solutions using a CO2 desorption laser. In this paper we describe the successful application of this method to aqueous solutions by using an Nd:YAG pumped LiNbO3 optical parametric oscillator (OPO) which is tuned to the wavelength of bulk water. First results obtained with this new laser system are described in this report.

Keywords: Tandem mass spectrometry, linked scan experiments, CID-MIKES, fragmentation pathways, rearrangement, dinitroquinoxaline derivatives

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