3H6O fragment from 1,4-dioxane revisited

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Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. 5, 191 - 202 (1999)

The C3H6O fragment from 1,4-dioxane revisited

Jos‚ M. Vega-P‚rez*, Jos‚ I. Candela, Felipe Alcudia and Fernando Iglesias-Guerra*
Departamento de Química Orgánica y Farmacéutica, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad de Sevilla, E-41071 Sevilla, Spain.

The electron impact spectra of 2-N-alkyl, 2-N-acyl-2-N-alkyl and 2-N,N-dialkyl aminosugar derivatives, as well as 2-aminosugar derivatives themselves, all show an [H12 + 13]+ ion. In previous work, it was considered that this ion was derived from the [M - OR1]+ ion and was designated as [M - OR1 - 178]+. In the present work, the structure and origin of the [H12 + 13]+ ion is studied in detail, and it is demonstrated that it originates first from the molecular ion, via a primary fragmentation, and second from the [M - OR1]+ ion, in both cases by a [3 + 3] cleavage of the pyranose ring.

Keywords: 2-aminosugars, fragmentation pathways

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