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Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. 5, 243 - 252 (1999)

Linear free energy relationships from collision-activated dissociation spectra: the electrospray mass spectra of transition metal macrocyclic complexes

Sutrisno, Geoffrey A. Lawrance and Ellak I. von Nagy-Felsobuki*
Department of Chemistry, The University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia. E-mail:

Linear free energy relationships (LFER) from collision-activated dissociations (CADs) have been uncovered from electrospray mass spectra of dinucleating macrocyclic ligands involving Cu and Ag transition metal ions. In particular, the electrospray mass spectral method for the determination of stability constants has been explored. The LFERs are interpreted in terms of two collision models, both of which underlie a broader class of investigations.

Keywords: Electrospray mass spectrometry, linear free-energy relationships, thermodynamic stability constants, transition metal macrocyclic complexes, collision-activated dissociation, dinucleating macrocyclic ligands, collisional models.

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