diexo-norbornane and norbornene derivatives containing a fused, phenyl-substituted, 1,3-oxazine ring: competitive retro-DielsAlder fragmentation processes

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Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. 5, 253 - 257 (1999)

Energy-resolved electrospray mass spectrometry of diexo-norbornane and norbornene derivatives containing a fused, phenyl-substituted, 1,3-oxazine ring: competitive retro-DielsAlder fragmentation processes

David Lemaire, Laurent Serani and Olivier Laprévote*
Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles, Laboratoire de Spectrométrie de Masse, CNRS, avenue de la Terrasse, 91 198 Gif-sur-Yvette, France. E-mail: .
Vladimir Ovcharenko and Kalevi Pihlaja
Department of Chemistry, University of Turku, FIN-20 014 Turku, Finland.
Géza Stájer
Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Albert Szent-Gy"rgyi Medical University, POB 121, H-6701 Szeged, Hungary.

The fragmentation behaviour of an organic ion depends on both the amount and the distribution of internal energy resulting from the ionisation process. Thus, investigations of the fragmentation pathways of complex ions can gain some advantage from energy-resolved mass spectrometry (ERMS) techniques. These methods are able to establish a relationship between the internal energy level of a precursor ion of interest and the nature and extent of the generated fragment ions. In the present study, the competitive retro-DielsAlder fragmentation processes from norbornane and norbornene ions linked to 1,3-oxazine moieties were examined by ERMS, using an electrospray ionisation source and in-source collisional activation.

Keywords: Mass spectrometry, electrospray, norbornane and norbornene derivatives, retro-DielsAlder.

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