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Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. 6, 143 - 152 (2000)

Laser ion kinetics: dynamics of intramolecular reactions in substituted benzalacetones

R. Heinicke, C. Grun and J. Grotemeyer*
Institute for Physical Chemistry, Christian-Albrechts University Kiel, OlshausenstraŠe 40, 24098 Kiel, . E-mail:

Measurements of a single shot femtosecond laser pump-probe technique on substituted benzalacetones are reported. The technique is based on counter propagating femtosecond laser pulses in a supersonic beam of low density of sample molecules and simultaneous probe detection by ion or fragment ion formation through a reflectron time-of-flight mass spectrometer. It will be shown that the range of the pump-probe delays covers the time span between 100 fs and 10 ps depending on the pulse width of the laser used and the stability of the voltages of the mass spectrometer. The application of this technique to medium-sized organic molecules reveals some insight into the electron transfer process during ionisation through a 1 + 1 multi-photon absorption procedure. Furthermore it is demonstrated that this technique is also applicable to the investigation of ultra-fast isomerisation and fragmentation processes.

Keywords: femtosecond multiphoton ionisation, intramolecular dynamics, benzalacetone

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