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Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. 7, 467 - 471 (2001)

Studies of complex formation between anthraquinones and metal ions by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry

Ryuichi Arakawa,* Ai Sasao and Tsutomu Abura
Department of Applied Chemistry, Kansai University, Suita, Osaka , Japan
Takeshi Suzuki and Nobuhide Fujitake
Department of Biological and Environmental Science, Kobe University, Kobe, Hyogo , Japan

The metal complexation of the hydroxyanthraquinones, chrysotalunin, chrysophanol and their derivatives, with Al3+, Ni2+ and Zn2+ was studied by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). The results showed that chrysophanol and its derivatives form metal complexes with Al3+, Ni2+ and Zn2+ ions, but chrysotalunin does not. Among the metal ions, Al3+ was found to form the complexes most easily.

Keywords: electrospray, ESI-MS, anthraquinones, metal complexation

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