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Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. 8, 131 - 138 (2002)

Fast-atom bombardment mass spectrometry in heterogeneous atmospheric chemistry

G.B. Pronchev, I.A. Korobeinikova and A.N. Yermakov*
Institute of Energy Problems of Chemical Physics RAS, Building 38, 2 Leninsky pr - t, 117829 Moscow, Russia *E-mail:

The application of fast-atom bombardment (FAB) mass spectrometry to solving the problems of heterogeneous atmospheric chemistry is briefly reviewed. The method is useful in studying the state of surfaces and molecules adsorbed thereon and looks appropriate in investigations of the dynamics and mechanisms of chemical reactions occurring both on a surface and in a volume of moving particulate matter suspended in a gas. It was shown that composition of atmospheric aerosols and components dissolved in atmospheric water (clouds, fogs, mists etc.) can be determined by the FAB technique. The given method, as was found in our investigations, allows the discrimination of ferrous and ferric ions. Detection limits for concentrations of H2SO4 and Fe(II / III) ions as essential components of atmospheric water determined in model experiments are established at the level of 106 M.

Keywords: atmospheric chemistry, fast-atom bombardment mass spectrometry, secondary ion mass spectrometry

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