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Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. 8, 157 - 161 (2002)

Origin of clusters: IV. Low temperature fast-atom bombardment cluster patterns point to the possible existence of NaCl crystalline hydrates incorporating heavy water

Marina V. Kosevich,* Oleg A. Boryak and Vadim S. Shelkovsky
B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 47 Lenin Avenue, Kharkov 61103, Ukraine

Low temperature fast-atom bombardment study of frozen D2ONaCl solutions gave results similar to those obtained earlier for the H2ONaCl system. Thus, sets of clusters (D2O)n"D+, (D2O)n"Na+, (D2O)n"NaCl"Na+, (NaCl)m"Na+ with a characteristic distribution depending on the composition of the sample and phase transitions on its thawing were recorded. A typical cluster pattern, attributed in the case of the H2ONaCl system to a phase of a crystalline hydrate NaCl"2H2O, was observed for the D2ONaCl system as well. At the same time, recently available reference data on the solubility of NaCl do not contain a specification for the formation of a crystalline hydrate on cooling of NaCl solution in D2O. Considering the present mass spectrometry data, the possibility of incorporation of heavy water into NaCl crystalline hydrates is discussed.

Keywords: low temperature fast-atom bombardment, clusters, heavy water, NaCl, crystalline hydrates

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