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Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. DOI: 10.1255/ejms.552

Potential role of methyl-radical adducts with carbon dioxide in the Martian atmosphere

Detlef Schröder,* Marija Semialjac and Helmut Schwarz
Institut für Chemie der Technischen Universität Berlin, 10623 Berlin, . E-mail:

Neutralization reionization (NR) and charge reversal (CR) mass spectra of [CH3/CO2]/+ ions are used to examine the behavior of the transient neutral radicals CH3OCO· and CH3COO·. While neutralization of the ionic species is associated with considerable changes of the geometries resulting in unfavorable FranckCondon factors for vertical electron transfer in high-energy collisions, NR experiments nevertheless demonstrate the existence of both radicals in the gas phase. Analysis of the NR and CR spectra provides insight into the decomposition reactions of CH3OCO· and CH3COO·. For the former, loss of either CO or CO2 can occur at the neutral stage, whereas decarboxylation prevails in the latter case.

Keywords: acetoxy radical, carbon dioxide, density functional theory, Martian atmosphere, mass spectrometry, methoxyformyl radical

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