Jan Dlugosz
Jan Dlugosz went to Cracow University at the usual age of thirteen, but left without a degree to take up an important post as secretary to Bishop Olesnicki, one of the great prelate/diplomats of his day. In 1436 Jan, now aged 21, was appointed a canon of Cracow cathedral, though he did not take Holy Orders until four years later. In 1438 he was promoted to Bishop Olesnickis chancellor. As a young man Jan Dlugosz visited Rome and the Holy Land with his Bishop and later travelled extensively on royal service. In 1461 Dlugosz disagreed with his Kings choice of a new bishop for Cracow and was banished for three years. On his return to favour in 1467 he was appointed tutor to the Kings two sons. Bishop Olesnicki died in 1451 and it was then that Dlugosz began writing his Annales, a work that remained his major preoccupation until his death in 1480, though made canon of Gniezno cathedral in 1471 and Bishop of Lwow shortly before he died.