Electronic Journal

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European Journal of Mass Spectrometry is available as a full text on-line journal on this web site. Subscribers to the print journal receive free access to the on-line journal. A electronic-only subscription, offering on-line access without the print journal, is available at a 50% discount.

On-line access is granted for an entire site: campus of an institution or a single company facility. Access is controlled by IP address, meaning that any user from your organisation gets seamless access to EJMS on-line: no need to enter passwords.

What you Need

The on-line journal is available in Adobe Acrobat format. This provides a faithful reproduction of the printed page, along with software that is available free-of-charge for a variety of computer platforms and in a variety of language versions. If you do not have a copy of the Adobe Acrobat software you can obtain it free-of-charge from Adobe:

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How do I get to the papers?

There are links to full-text papers from two sources:

  1. Contents lists of issues
  2. Individual abstracts

Abstracts can be reached both from Contents lists and from our search engine results.

Terms and conditions

The conditions for access are very straightforward. All subscribers to the web edition must complete and return a Web Agreement before access is granted. This can be downloaded in various formats:

EJMS Web Agreement in RTF
EJMS Web Agreement in PDF
EJMS Web Agreement in HTML

If you need more information on providing your IP address for this form, you can consult our guidelines.

Demo Area

If you would like to test the on-line journal, there is a demo area with past papers available. To try out the demo, you will need to enter a user name and password; these are:

User Name: guest
Password: tester

To access the demo area, click here.

Subscription Information

Details and costs on subscribing to European Mass Spectrometry in both print and electronic formats.

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