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Electrospray mass spectrometry and tandem mass spectrometry of the natural mixture of cyclic peptides from linseed
Piotr Stefanowicz
Published 5 July 2004 [Abstract] [PDF]
Fragmentation study of peptides using Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance with infrared multiphoton dissociation : experiment and simulation
Kazuhiko Fukui, Yasuhide Naito, Yutaka Akiyama and Katsutoshi Takahashi
Published 5 July 2004 [Abstract] [PDF]
Liquid injection field desorption ionization: a new tool for soft ionization of samples including air sensitive catalysts and non-polar hydrocarbons
H. Bernhard Linden
DOI: 10.1255/ejms.655
Published 25 May 2004 [Abstract] [PDF]
Derivatization in mass spectrometry - 4. Formation of cyclic derivatives
Vladimir G. Zaikin and John M. Halket
: 10.1255/ejms.653
Published 30 April 2004 [Abstract] [PDF]
Mss spectrometry analysis of synthetically myristoylated peptides
Tsefang S. Chen, Jennifer D. Yoder and Dennis E. Hruby*
DOI: 10.1255/ejms.652
Published 30 April 2004 [Abstract] [PDF]
Rearrangements of transient neutral molecules in the gas phase. Does the conversion of CCCHO to HCCCO involve oxygen or hydrogen migration?
Khoa M. Tran, Andrew M. McAnoy and John H. Bowie*
DOI: 10.1255/ejms.647
Published 30 April 2004 [Abstract] [PDF]

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