Mass Spectrometry Sites |
This page will grow as a reference to other sites that may be of interest to mass spectrometrists. If your site is not listed, and you would like us to consider it, please e-mail .
Societies |
ANZSMSAustralian and New Zealand Society for Mass Spectrometry
ASMSAmerican Society for Mass Spectrometry
British Mass Spectrometry Society
Canadian Society for Mass Spectrometry
Dansk Selskab for Massespektrometri
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie
Dutch Society for Mass Spectrometry
Irish Mass Spectrometry Society
Italian Home Page on Mass Spectrometry
Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan
Norwegian Society for Mass Spectrometry
Polish Mass Spectrometry Society
Sociedad Española de Espectrometría de Masas
Société Française de Spectrométrie de Masse
South African Association for Mass Spectrometry
Swiss Group for Mass Spectrometry
Manufacturers and Services |
Advanced Chemistry Development
Bergmann Messgeraete Entwicklung
Development Centre for Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry, sprl
Infochem software for molecular modeling, chemical inventory, chromatography, spectroscopy
Mass Spectrometry International
Teledyne Electronic Technologies
Research Groups |
Analytical Group of Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry
Biomedical Analysis at the University of Muenster in
EMBL - Protein & Peptide Group
Integrated Functional Genomics, Proteomocs Unit, University of Muenster,
Isotope Ratio Monitoring Systems
Liege University - Mass Spectrometry Lab
N. Carolina State University - Mass Spectrometry Facility
Southern Illinois University - Mass Spectrometry
The Mass Spectrometry Interest Group of the National Cancer Institute at Frederick, MD, USA
Thomson Mass Spectrometry Laboratory at State University of Campinas-Brazil
University of Notre Dame - Mass Spectrometry Laboratory
University of Tasmania Organic Mass Spectrometry
Other Resources |
sci.techniques.mass-specthe newsgroup for mass spectrometry
MSLinks.commass spectrometry links
Spectroscopy NOWincludes Base Peak
Spectroscopy Europeinformation on all areas of spectroscopy
WWW Links for Chemistsmany chemistry related links
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